Universal Restoration
Universal Restoration

Universal Restoration

God’s plan to restore all things to perfection.


Philippians 2: 9-11, 3: 20, 21, 1 Timothy 2: 3-6, 4: 9-11,  Acts 2: 1-4, 3: 20, 21, 26, Revelation 2: 26, 27, 5: 13, 15: 4, 21: 1-5, 1 Corinthians 3: 11-15, 15: 22-28, Isaiah 14: 1,2, 45: 7, 22-25, Ezekiel 16: 53-63, 47: 1-12, Nahum 1: 9, Hebrews 8: 11,12, 12: 29, 2 Peter 3: 9, Psalm 2: 8,9, 22: 27,28,  John 3: 17, 35, 6: 35-40, 12: 32, Romans 5: 17-21, 6: 4-11, 11: 26-36, 14: 9-12, 1 John 4: 8, Ephesians 1: 9-11, Colossians 1: 19-21. 


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    God promises, in the Bible, to restore our lives and to take away death, pain, and suffering.  Sin and evil will be taken away and destroyed.  All people will be reunited and happy in the kingdom of God according to Bible prophecy.  Soon our time of test and trial will be over with; and the great Judge will place each of us in His kingdom according to the decisions we made in our lifetime.  We will know and experience fully the wonderful love of God.  We will enjoy visiting the angels, our families, and all people from the beginning of time.     

    The Holy Bible is an inspired book, given to people from God to show us the life and the truth, that He wants us to receive.  God is revealing His plan to all who have an open mind to receive it.  It’s called the Gospel, the good news about God.  

    So from the beginning, God has been revealing His plan for a happy and satisfied universe.  In His wisdom, He allowed test and trial to temporarily come upon us.  These enable us to make decisions that will decide our position in His coming, permanent kingdom.  Lucifer, the Devil, was the first one to choose a different pathway of choices called sin and evil.  As the highest of angelic beings, he persuaded many more angels to join him in his rebellion against God.  

    When mankind was created, Lucifer proved successful in leading most people to follow his ways of sin and of forgetting about God.  After about 2000 years, the world was destroyed in a flood of waters.  Only 8 people, in Noah’s ark, survived to re-populate the earth at that time.  

    Later, God revealed His law of right doing in the 10 commandments.  Finally God sent His Son into the world to reveal the loving and good nature of God.  Jesus Christ showed us the Father.  He revealed God as a holy, pure, harmless, innocent, loving and friendly Person.

    Some people rejected Christ, put Him on trial, and finally crucified Jesus.  Although the world’s Messiah died, He rose from the dead on the third day.  After counseling with His disciples for many days, He gave them the promised Holy Spirit to be with them and in them.  Then they watched Jesus go up to heaven.  Jesus promised that He will return at the proper time to take those who love Him up to paradise.

    We are still waiting for His promised coming to gather us up to the throne room of God.  But many Bible prophesies must yet be fulfilled first.  Also test and trials for all people are not yet completed.  

    When Jesus rescues us out of this world, the people left here in sin will all die by killing each other and themselves.  Only Lucifer and his angels will be here to roam an empty, planet earth for 1000 years.  

    In heaven, Jesus will bless the righteous with immortality, never more to die.  We will understand many mysteries and have our questions answered.  We will celebrate the marriage supper of Christ together.  After 1000 years, we, with the holy city New Jerusalem, will come back to earth and settle down here.    

    All the wicked dead will be resurrected back to life and Lucifer will guide them to surround the Holy City and try to destroy it.  But they will all be judged by God and Christ.  

    The wicked realize they are lost in their sins by their own stubborn choices.  The;y weep and cry from the torment they feel day and night with no rest; because of their sins.    

    The love and truth of God is to them as a lake of fire and brimstone.  This causes them great suffering.  Soon they give up the struggle and die to sin, the second death.  Then they are born again and become a new creation in Christ.  Their names are written in the book of life and they are possessed by the saints, God’s holy people.  The saints will rule over them in the many cities that will be spread out over the whole earth.  God makes the earth all new again.  

    God makes all things new again.  Never more to die, feel pain, sadness, or to cry, God’s people will travel the universe to view all the wonderful things God has made. 

        Now all of creation praises and gives thanks to God every day.  God is good and worthy of all our worship and praise.  God is good and He has promised us every good thing to enjoy for health,, life, and happiness.    

    So it remains for us now to be faithful in obeying God’s Word and following His way always.  Our heavenly rewards depend on the decisions that we make every day.  

    So if we sin or make a mistake, we should get right with God immediately and choose not to continue in disobedience.  God is happy to forgive and help us every step of the way to his glorious kingdom.  

    Do you have a problem?  Pray and talk with God about it.  God is happy to help you with any problem.  God is ready to answer your prayers and give you good success in fulfilling your life destiny today and everyday.  Our work is to trust God and obey His Word.  

    Words translated in the Bible as forever, evermore, eternal, and everlasting really refer to a period of time.  An age (eternity) may be a long time or a short time as in hours, days, months, or years.  Eternal life means time as in always, age lasting, or continuous life.  These words do not mean “without end” as used in the Bible.

    Death can be physical or spiritual depending on how it’s used in the Bible.  We must die a spiritual death to sin to become born again in God’s kingdom.  Most of us in this life die a physical death.  But to become part of God’s kingdom, we must die spiritually to moral sin and choose of life of faith and obedience to God and His Word.  

    The second death is a spiritual death that the wicked or bad people and fallen angels must experience before being grafted into God’s glorious kingdom.  This takes place during and after the final judgement of God upon them.  They finally all die to sin.     Fire can be physical or spiritual and symbolic.  God’s fire is an emotional and spiritual experience.  This fire is His love for us.  This fire consumes and devours God’s enemies due to their sinful and rebellious minds.  It causes them great suffering and pain until they finally repent and are born again.  

    So God is the greatest winner in the universe.  He will be successful in the war with sin.  He will reverse the curse and undo all the damages that sin has done.  He will bring all sinners to repentance and to become ashamed for the wickedness and evil that they were involved in.  

    God will not be a failure.  He will not do evil to conquer sin.  He will triumph over sin by revealing even more of His glorious loving power through His faithful people, the saints.  We are His witnesses.    

    After the final judgement of God upon the wicked, they will be tormented in the fire of Gods love and truth.  They will blame one another for being lost and be filled with self condemnation.  They have no rest day or night because of their burning guilt and shame.  

    The saints will rule as kings and priests in the earth.  They will go out of the holy city to call their grandpas and grandmas to repentance.  They will intercede for their lost parents, their husband or wife.  They will invite their sons or daughters to repent and be saved in Jesus love.  

    The saints will bring out leaves from the tree of life to minister to the wounds of the wicked and to bring them to repentance.  

    Finally everyone will be grafted beck into God’s family again.  Then God makes all things new.  Nevermore will there be evil.  Sin and death will cease to exist.  Every created being will love and praise God. 

God is love.  

    OK, my friends, I have given you the mystery, the revelation from the Bible, that has been hidden for generations; but now is revealed to those who really want to know God’s truth for themselves.  

    As a brief summary, God has temporarily allowed sin and suffering to infect a small part of His vast universe to be a lesson for all coming ages.  The entire universe is actively studying the sin problem and its final solution  

    And so when God finally solves the sin problem and brings all of His creation to repentance and loving obedience, then all the universe will understand why God allowed sin to happen in the first place and from the beginning.   Never more will sin or death exist.  

    Then life will be as it was always supposed to be.  Then we will never die again or sin again.  Then we will always experience happiness and joy.  Then we will never get sick or injured or die again.  Our friends will  always treat us respectfully and be kind to us.  We will no more experience bad feelings, or be tormented for anything.  

    Then we will ever praise God for His wonderful loving kindness and tender mercies.  We will sing His praises always.  We will be satisfied in every way and be content with all the great things of Gods vast creation.  

    Although we will have duties to perform and things to do, we will take vacations and explore Gods vast universe.  We will become acquainted with all the beings and places God has made for our observation and pleasure.  

    We will experience pleasures unimaginable in doing the will of God in the earth made new.  Our lives of suffering on this planet are to swallowed up by the immortal life God has promised us in the Bible.  Soon we will see Him face to face and talk directly to Him.  Blessed be the name of the Lord. 


    You may contact me at:  brotherlee44@gmail.com     


    Thank you. 


    Written by Delbert Burhans


a rainbow around the throne of God.
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© Delbert Burhans